They are usually benevolent with some exceptions. Devas are heavenly beings with significantly higher powers than that of human beings. It is in Sarnath near Varanasi, long considered a Buddhist holy place in India.ĭemons 魔 Refers to the four kinds of demons (or Maras) that block one’s practice: the five skandhas (skandha-mara), the five poisons (klesha-mara), death (matyu-mara), and the heavenly demons.ĭeva天人 (Sanskrit). There are 3 types of generosity: giving of material, giving of solace (comfort, protection, removal of fear, etc.), and giving of Dharma.ĭeer Park 鹿野苑 The place where the Buddha delivered his first sermon to the five bhiksus. The first of the six paramitas (perfections) practiced by a bodhisattva. Sattva: sentient beings, beings with consciousness.īuddhas 佛 “The enlightened one.” There are many buddhas in the past, present, and future all sentient beings can become buddhas by practicing prajna paramita.ĭana 布施(檀那) Charity. A bodhisattva practices all six paramitas (perfections), but it is the prajna paramita that ultimately brings true liberation. This current text is one of the very few records we have of his teaching.īodhisattvas 菩薩 One who, with infinite compassion, vows to become a buddha and to liberate countless sentient beings. Therein lies lasting joy.īodhi wisdom 般若智 Wisdom from understanding the truth wisdom of enlightenment that can overcome birth and death and all suffering.īodhidharma 菩提達磨大師 The 28th Zen (Chan) Patriarch of India, who founded the Zen school of Buddhism in China (and therefore is the first Zen Patriarch of China). The female equivalent is called bhikshuni (比丘尼).īodhi path 菩提道 The path to awakening, to becoming a Buddha. The name means “perceiver of cries of the world” and “unhindered perceiver of the truth.” Thus this bodhisattva is able to help all sentient beings.īhiksu 比丘 (Sanskrit) An ordained monk who has renounced home life to seek enlightenment he observes celibacy as well as 250 precepts defining the conduct of a monk.

Known as Guanyin in Chinese, this is the most beloved bodhisattva in Asia. An arhat is no longer subject to death and rebirth.Īttachments 執著 To crave or desire anything, to cling to or despise anything, to dwell in the past or grumble about the present are all examples of attachment.Īvalokitesvara 觀自在,觀世音 This bodhisattva is considered the embodiment of the Buddhist virtue of compassion. A Buddhist saint who has realized emptiness, having eradicated all afflictions. Unsurpassed complete enlightenment is the state of a buddha.Īrhat 阿羅漢 (Sanskrit). Samyak sambodhi: right and comprehensive understanding (complete enlightenment). Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi 阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 Anuttara: unsurpassed.