But since you're asking on this on the PC board I'm assuming you'll be getting this on PC? Rest assured, they will be modded in. Probably one of those ones they avoid because of inevitable clipping issues with bows, claymores etc. wool liripipe with clasp.Dunno about capes and cloaks. Some of them are closed in front, so you just put it over your head, but most are closed as cloak, e.g. The liripipes are available in many colours (such as black, burgundy, green, blue, grey, brown and cream) and fabrics (cotton, wool, linen). You can wrap the long part of the hood around your neck, getting a built-in scarf. The long pointed hood itself is also called a liripipe. A liripipe is a short kind of hooded cloak, just reaching the ellbows (more or less). But the most common garment in period clothing was the short cloak with hood, the so-called liripipe, some call it also a chaperon or a gugel. Cloaks with holes for your arms or with a pointed hood, cloaks with embroidery or made for riding - there are models for every purpose. Classic long cloaks like the cotton cloak, available in are the universal garment for LARP, but there are more specific ones, even a ladies cloak for dresses. Cloaks in full length, half length or just liripipes Cloaks should not only emphasis the character of your role but should also be functional and convenient. Huge people also would like to have cloaks that are longer than knee-length. Some models of wool cloaks are made in our in-house studio and be made extra long. The woolen cloak with fur tippet is not hooded but keeps you extra warm with its tippet of fur (artificial fur of course). To be on the safe (and warm) side a wool cloak like the woolen cloak with wolf's head clasp would be a great pick. Wool cloaks keeping you cuddly warm When autumn arrives you should definitely consider getting a cloak for LARP. We use both terms quite synonymously here. Whoever knows the exact difference between a cape and cloak, please drop me a line. Cloaks are available with or without hood, made of wool, velveteen or cotton. Cloaks should not only keep you warm and give your shelter from the weather but should also emphasis the character of your LARP role. a rogue), you should a find a model that fits your character. Whether you need a riding cloak or a cloak to hide (e.g. Whether you represent a ranger or a sorcerer, the role is not complete without the matching cloak. One thing is for sure: LARP without a cloak is not real LARP. A cape is a cloak!? Don't care about terms of cloak or cape. We should also be glad to make the cloaks according to your own requirements. It should finally be mentioned that we tailor many cloaks ourselves, which allows for a shear endless variety.

Primarily also to give your own medieval costume the finishing touch or to veil the face and shroud the body and thus appear mysterious.

But the cloaks are mostly unisex and can be worn by men and women. But even special characters are catered for: whether it be for the role as a magician, wizard, warrior, Halfling, Viking or for the lady of the (medieval) world, for whom we have a ladies’ cape in our assortment. This cloak is available in many colours, such as black, green, brown, wine-red, grey, blue and even in neutral. The classic model and bestseller, the cotton cape, is an essential part of the basic equipment of every LARP fan. Cloaks and capes for every occasion and every role Cloaks belong to LARP just as the icing on a cake. For those who likes it a bit cosier, there is the woolen cloak with a fur cover, which has a sort of cape of artificial fur and therefore additionally keeps you warm around the shoulders.

Especially the woolen cloak with wolf's head clasp is ideal because the standard length covers the entire body from head to toe. For colder days: woolen cloaks From late autumn it is in any case a good idea to always have a cloak with you. And finally, a beautiful cloak completes each medieval outfit. The assortment ranges from gugels with cotton hoods and short cloaks to extra-long woolen cloaks that are cosy and warm even in cold winters. Even in summer a cloak is quite advantageous, on the one hand it protects you during the day from the sun and in the evenings and/or at night it keeps you beautifully warm. If you have sat beside a camp fire of an evening, you will know that the fire warms you at the front and the cold creeps into your back.