The battleship will also need an escort of submarines and cruisers, which are individually weak compared to the destroyers, but make up for it in large numbers. This heavy naval unit can provide effective firepower against an individual destroyer. What you'll initially need is a battleship. Capturing the others requires a bit more effort, as they're guarded by Destroyers and fighters. The first directly east of your base is trivial - send one engineer. You need to capture four mass extractors.

There is a tech cache east of your base, which provides three research points. During this time, the enemy will send fighters at your base and a few gunships. If you need additional anti-air, it may be easiest to construct additional Air Factories, although you can build a wall of anti-air turrets on the northern edge of your base. For best effect, try to construct your buildings on-top of the existing wreckage (which reduces the construction cost slightly.) Provide the anti-air and shield addons, and start building you air forces. You are sent to assist another commander, who despite thinking that you're a weak jock, can't breach the enemy's front line.īuild your base, starting with the metal extractors on the left, and air production facility. Economic Opportunist: Build (or capture) at least 2 mass extractors in the north-west section of the map.The sole requirement is to take out both Megaliths, as it will force the other Cybran units into retreat. It is a large attack force of 60 light ground units, and two experimental Megaliths. There will also be ground units transported into your base, and you are additionally given research points.Īround 5 minutes into the mission, the second wave will arrive from the east. When all enemies are defeated, you are given time to rebuild your base and construct lost units. As a hidden objective, you should defeat the enemy without losing any unit - the recommendation is to use Meteors or your ACU to repel enemies for this objective. Also, start building additional tanks to replace the ones that you could lose. You can take advantage of this by having your forces attack the small groups. While the enemy does outnumber you, they are distracted as they instead focus on destroying the neutral buildings first. This is a tutorial mission, where you are placed directly in a combat situation. Hidden Objective: Survivor: Defeat the first wave of cybrans without any losses.